Project Tag: banner ad


Payveris is the leading provider of a cloud-based open API and unified digital payment platform. They thought their collateral appeared dated and wanted a more technology-focused, photography-driven look.

KGA was asked to revise the collateral, keeping the original logo and palette. We designed and presented different looks + photography options. The client fell in love with the abstract, brand-color, imagery so that became the consistent graphic element used throughout the materials.

This project included: brand refresh; business cards; product briefs; white papers; web skins; banner ads; tradeshow graphics; infographics.

Online Resources Corporation

Online Resources Corporation is a leading provider of online banking and full service bill pay solutions. 

They came to us with the goal of providing creative campaign templates for individual companies to purchase and customize. This product allows small businesses an opportunity to obtain professional, high-level marketing materials at a fraction of the cost.

These campaigns include posters, print ads, banner ads, buckslips, + email headers